Shipping policy
Same Day Local Delivery
Same Day Local Delivery is only available in Toronto and surrounding area!!
Order online and place your order by 4:30 p.m., and you will get your order the same day (excluding holidays and extreme weather)
We have professional delivery team to take care of your orders, and you will be qualified for free delivery as long as you order over $59 in total after discounts and before taxes.
Bulk orders may not qualify for free shipping.
* NOTE: Bulk orders and oversize orders may not be able to be delivered at the same day.
* NOTE: there may be an extra charge if there is a delivery failure caused by wrong delivery infomation you put in our system when you make a purchase!
Carrier Shipment*
Ontario $59 before tax/after discount Free Shipping, otherwise $7.99 Flat rate.
Quebec $79 before tax/after discount Free Shipping, otherwise $7.99 Flat rate.
For other provinces in Canada, we do not have free shipping policy. However, we do offer real time carrier shipping rate, and all the shipping cost will be calculated automatically according to the destination address.
* We will choose different carriers to ship your order accordingly.
* There may be an extra charge for oversized products.
* There may be an extra charge for orders of cat litters.
* For security reason, we will request signature for orders which exceed $200 before tax.
* NOTE: there may be an extra charge if there is a delivery failure caused by wrong delivery infomation you put in our system when you make a purchase!
Shipment to USA
We no longer ship orders to the USA.
Pick up
Pet parents can simply choose the "PICK UP" option at checkout, and quickly and easily collect their purchases in-store. It takes around 2 hours to have your items ready to be picked up.