The reviews are in and the Cat Catcher is second only to Da Bird as the most popular interactive toy for cats in the World! Cats are tactual and they love the texture of our handwoven mouse. They love the way it darts and skitters around. The special braided safety wire disappears from their sight as they focus on catching the mouse. No matter what time of day bring out the Cat Catcher and they will be ready to play!

The GoCat Cat Catcher Teaser Wand with Mouse is a favorite amongst rodent-loving cats. The wire wand really makes it easy to mimic the behavior of mice. And it doesn’t tangle or break nearly as easily as string.
The 12” plastic glitter wand is quite sturdy, but a bit too short for optimal maneuverability. The flexible braided wire holds up very well. The GoCat Cat Catcher Teaser Wand with Mouse is made in the USA.
SAFETY WARNING: The mouse dangler wears out pretty quickly and will need to be tossed out as soon as it starts to shred. There is a wire piece inside that could be very dangerous if it becomes exposed. As responsible cat owners, you should never leave this toy or any interactive wand toys out when you aren’t using them. Keep them secured in a closet or drawer.
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